"Hey, Big B.."

At the familiar greeting from Kiran, Raghav shifted his attention from his computer to look at her and artfully refrained from reacting.

Just when I thought I had seen it all! Raghav thought in despair.

He had gotten over the shock of seeing Kiran arrive for her interview on a bike - a beast of a bike, to be precise. He had recovered from the hangover of having been the one who had been interviewed, though he was the boss and she was the candidate. He had accepted that he would always have to see her tattooed-from-elbow-to-wrist arms.

But he wasn't just prepared for today's look. The female had outdone herself this time.

There were too many shocking things. Her hair - if  he was honest, her beautiful bygone hair - had not only been cut very short('shredded' would do more justice, thought Raghav), it was now spiked, for God's sake! And highlighted with caramel shades. And today she had opted for a complete black look. A black half-sleeved top over a black formal skirt.

She was apparently waiting for a response from him, for she stood there watching him with a bored look on her face.

"Good Morning Kiran. I..uh.." As usual, he fumbled. Always, he fumbled when she was around. Dammit, I am the boss!! 

She let out a tired sigh. "Big B... Please refrain from commenting on my hair-cut. I have heard. A lot. From none other than my dad." She shook her head and sat in front of his desk.

As usual, Raghav's thoughts went something like this - By Big B, I am assuming that you are using a short form of Big Boss and not Big Brother!

Never the one for words, Raghav slowly shifted a bottle of water towards her on the desk and waited patiently. He knew she would speak. Whether he wanted to listen or not. She drank some water and leaned forward on the desk, eager to share her grief with him.

"You know what my dad said to my mom? He told her that there was no need to buy any scrub for washing dishes now. She can now just apply some gel over the vessel and tilt the vessel over my head and rub it all over my hair, it would make the vessel shine! How disgusting!!"

Personally, I agree with your dad.. Raghav thought, hiding a smile.

"And my mom? She now calls me porcupine! That's so unfair!!"

Unfair for sure, but she is not off the mark... 

"Do  you really think this hair-cut was a big mistake? How do I look now? And I want a honest feedback!"

oh-oh, feedback on haircuts, from me??? Raghav gulped uncertainly. He wanted to tell her that he preferred a simple hair-style, and that he was scared of getting tattoos, or that he had never driven a bike in his whole life.

And then he noted something which he hadn't paid much attention to before. The caramel highlights of the hair matched the caramel of her eyes. The tattooed arms brought out their feminine beauty. And on the whole, she was a picture of confidence, strength and grace.

Suddenly he now knew what to tell her.

"Hmm, I think it is a look that very few ladies have the courage to opt for, and can carry it off well too. You are one of those rare, confident ones." He said with as much sincerity as he could, and hoped she got his message.

She smiled, a brilliant mega-watt, full smile that had him reeling.

"Thanks. I feel much better now. It's not that I need anyone's approval or endorsement. But this is a new look, even by my own standards."

Oh yes, this is new, and how!! Raghav thought in silent amusement.

"Right, Big B.. I need to get back to my seat now. Got to book an air ticket. That customer keeps bargaining for every single rupee, pathetic bugger." Using a string of words that made Raghav want to wash his ears with soap, she left for her seat.

I hope she doesn't address him on the phone so, or in person.. Raghav shook his head. He shifted his attention back to his computer but for some reason, he couldn't seem to get rid of caramel shades.

(To Be Continued)


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